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5 Things You Should Always Do Before You Go To Bed



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  • The below are five things you should always do before you go to bed.

THE NATION REPORTERS reports that your night time routine may be the last thing you think of when you come home after a long day of work or a night on the town! But your night routine is just as important as your morning routine. But the night time space can also give you a chance to prepare yourself for the next day, by physically scheduling your day or mentally preparing yourself. Here are the five things you should do before you go to bed:

1. Take off your makeup

Sleeping without washing your face leaves so much dirt, oil, and makeup on that will give you horrible acne! Make sure you wipe off all your makeup by using a cleanser to get out all the dirt and oil. Then use toners to soothe and gently cleanse the skin. Finally, find the perfect moisturizer for your skin. There are so many moisturizers that are right for your skin type, luckily, we’ve done the hard work for you. Read our article on finding the best moisturizers here.

2. Drink lemon water or green tea

There are so many health benefits to both lemon water and green teas. They can really help to boost your metabolism, antioxidants, and hydration levels! These drinks will also soothe you into a state of peace and serenity so you’ll be de-stressed when you’re finally red to hit the hay.

3. Clean your space

A clean space makes for a clean mind. Before you turn in for the night, take a few minutes to put away any clutter, wash your dishes etc. This way you’ll have an organized space to wake up to in the morning! You won’t feel like you have something looming over you, a chore for the next day. But also you won’t rush around your bedroom looking for that missing shoe! Putting out your clothes and packing your bag for the next day will also save your life too! This Marie Kondo guide will leave you with the cleanest space possible.

4. Meditate

Speaking of clear minds, take a few minutes to breathe deeply and meditate. There are apps like Headspace and Calm that guide you through easy meditations. By doing this, you’ll feel so much lighter and relaxed! Ready to sleep like a baby, and ready to take on tomorrow’s stress with a calm and steady outlook. Know you can do anything!

5. Get to bed early

A bit of an obvious one, but you need to be getting at least eight hours of sleep every night! Getting less than eight hours causes weight gain, raises cortisol levels (the stress hormone) and raises your chances of getting sick! But it also means you won’t feel like taking a nap halfway through your work day – bonus!

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