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Common Myths On What Causes Bad Luck (Not Too Many Know No.6)



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In many cultures and societies, beliefs about the causes of bad luck have spanned centuries. These myths often stem from superstitions and have been passed down through generations. However, it’s important to approach these beliefs with a critical eye and distinguish between what is simply a myth and what holds truth.

Let’s explore some common myths about what causes bad luck.


1. Breaking a mirror: One of the most well-known superstitions is the idea that breaking a mirror will bring seven years of bad luck. This myth dates back to ancient times when mirrors were believed to reflect one’s soul. While breaking a mirror might be an inconvenience, it is unlikely to bring lasting bad luck.


2. Opening an umbrella indoors: Another widely-held belief is that opening an umbrella indoors will bring bad luck. This superstition likely stems from the practicality of opening an umbrella in a confined space, potentially leading to accidents. While it’s best to avoid doing so for safety reasons, it is unlikely to cause bad luck in itself.


3. Seeing a black cat: Black cats have long been associated with superstitions and bad luck, particularly in Western cultures. However, this belief is largely unfounded and has more to do with historical superstitions than any actual correlation between black cats and bad luck.


4. Walking under a ladder: Walking under a ladder is often considered bad luck, with some believing it brings misfortune or even injury. This superstition may have originated from the idea of triangles being sacred and symbolizing the Holy Trinity. Regardless, it’s best to avoid walking under a ladder for safety reasons rather than fear of bad luck.


5. Friday the 13th: The fear of Friday the 13th, known as paraskevidekatriaphobia, is a common superstition in Western cultures. It is believed to be an unlucky day, often associated with negative events. However, there is no evidence to suggest that Friday the 13th is inherently unlucky, and it is largely a cultural myth.


6. Spilling salt: Spilling salt is often thought to bring bad luck, with the remedy being to throw a pinch of salt over your left shoulder. This superstition is thought to have originated from the belief that salt is a powerful substance and spilling it represents a waste. While throwing salt over your shoulder may be seen as a symbolic gesture, it is not likely to ward off bad luck.


While these myths about what causes bad luck are deeply ingrained in many cultures, it’s important to remember that they are just that – myths. It’s essential to approach these beliefs with a sense of skepticism and critical thinking, rather than attributing negative events to superstitions.


In reality, bad luck is often the result of random occurrences, natural phenomena, or human actions. Instead of seeking supernatural explanations for misfortune, it may be more helpful to focus on practical solutions and positive thinking.


Overall, while myths about what causes bad luck may be intriguing and deeply rooted in culture, it’s crucial to approach them with a rational mindset. By understanding the difference between superstitions and reality, we can navigate life’s ups and downs with a clearer perspective and a more empowered mindset.

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